Generally there are three types of bio-diversity which are given below:
1. Ecosystem Diversity: Ecosystem is the habitat of living beings. Living beings adjust in the ecosystem and survive there. Each organism has it's own heredity character, which helps them to adapt and survive in their habitat. The living beings like animals and human beings of Mountain, Hill and Terai regions have different heredity characters and adaptability. Nepal occupies 0.1% land of the world. The climatic situation, food and habitat determines the survival of living organisms. There are 118 ecosystems in Nepal.
There are various types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem according to ecological region. Different types of ecosystem are found in Nepal according to ecological characters. Nepal is divided into three ecological regions, namely Mountain, Hill and Terai. The mountain range lies in the north and extends from west to east. Everest, the world's highest peak, is situated here. Hill region lies in between the mountain region in the north and the terai region in the south. It occupies 41.7 percent area of the country. There are mountains, hills, valleys and tars here. There is plain land in the south. It is like strip from Mahakali in the west to Mechi in the east. Each of the ecological regions has a different climate. The terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystem have variation in Nepal because of diversity in topography and climate. Almost all types of ecosystem in the world are found in Nepal except marine and desert ecosystem.
Geographical factors like soil, slope and steepness of land, face and altitudes cause difference in ecosystem. These differences have brought on diversities in the ecosystem of each ecological region. Due to ecosystem, diversity, the vegetation and creatures are of different types in Nepal.
Nepal is rich in wetlands also. In the mountain region, there are high altitude glacial lakes. Similarly, lakes, ponds and swamps are the wet lands found in the hill region. Similarly, there are stream reservoirs, ponds, etc. in the terai region. There wetlands are found from small to large aquatic ecosystems in various regions of Nepal. The wetland ecosystem is very important for the growth and conservation of biodiversity. Because of the difference in land topography, physical and chemical quality of water, there is diversity in vegetation and organisms in the ecosystem of our country.
2. Genetic Diversity: There are some differences in living beings of different kind of vegetation, animals, birds, etc. found on the earth. Genes within nucleus of cells found in hereditary characters of living beings in their off springs. Hence, hereditary characters of living beings contribute to maintain biodiversity too.
3. Species Diversity: There are different types of organisms in the nature. The existence of different types of organism shows the diversity of species. Diversity of species causes the biodiversity in nature. Nepal has covered only about 0.1 percent of total land of the world, but it has a great diversity of species. The diversity of species is found to be different as the ecosystems is different from Terai to Himalayan region. Therefore, Nepal is rich in biodiversity.
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